Thursday, April 26, 2007
The Stitches / Le Shok

The Stitches / Le Shok split 45 (GSL, 2000)
AKA Why Don't The Stitches Always Make Records This Great. Here is a split 7" of two bands where were the hot shit in their respected micro-scenes. The Stitches were the It band among the mini-77/pre-KBD revival dress up crowd; Le Shok were blowing away the post-emo/pre-screamo, white belted college students...and actually quite a few others. While The Stitches never matched Cars of Today, which is a fantastic tune, Le Shok shat out a nice pile of nifty singles, all of them in crazy color combos and limited variations. If you want to blame any contemporary band for the Let's Make 10 Copies on Red Vinyl, Call It A Tour Edition, And Float Them On Ebay So Some Trust Funder Can Pay For Our Tour By Buying It trend, point the finger at Le Shok, but don't discount the handful of very good to very fine singles they made.
I don't know how many of this one were made in what kinds of colors. I do know that it is very much worth seeking out for Cars of Today, a song that you will play over and over and over again. And a nice touch that both songs start with sound effects. -- Scott S.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Steel Wool - Devil's Night!

Steel Wool Devil's Night 45 (Bag of Hammers, 1994)
Yet another from the nigh-bottomless Bag Of Hammers label's Well of Quality, this one a snazzy-looking two-songer from a Pacific NW band that spread a decent amount of vinyl around on assorted labels to, eh, 'medium' levels of interest I would say. They sound a Tad like Mudhoney don't you think? Perhaps some folks dismissed them as mere sound-alikes but at the time I thought there was plenty of room for more worthies on that particular soundwagon and this 45 sounds just as keeno to me now. I mean, there's several bands toddling about in the right now that try to sound just like the Carbonas, or maybe the Reatards, or what have you, but that doesn't keep me from appreciating any resulting 'strong material'. True to tell, Steel Wool's LPs have too much filler on them, but who cares when they could rip off a great 45 like this one, and I'm so sure you shall agree that you get both sides. -Ryan W.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Oblivians - Go! Pill-Popper!

Oblivians Go! Pill-Popper! EP (Drug Racer, 1996)
Here's an impossible task: Pick the best Oblivians 7". Looking at the list - Call the Shots, Trio, Now for the Hard of Hearing, Static Party, Go! Pill-Popper!, Strong Come On, Kick Your Ass - it is quite apparent that these guys did not turn out any crap. Eenie meenie minie moe - I grab Go! Pill-Popper! which is just as well, as it is my favorite. I like the crazed distance this one has. It reminds me of the Cramps live version of Hurricane Fighter Plane, which might just be what they were going for. I got a hold of Eric Oblivian and this is what he had to say:
Oblivians had promised Henry Owings (now of Chunklet "EVERYTHING'S OVERRATED" fame) a single since he had recorded that Live In Atlanta record or something. We were due to go to Europe and he kept bugging us about it so we went in to record a single like bo diddley or some 60s rockers woulda done it... a one minute rocker on one side and a "Part 2" on the flipside. We'd been working up "Pill Popper" as some blatant Cramps/Ramones ripoff thing that had kinda gotten its own momentum the more we did it. (Speaking of one-chord songs, we used to play "We're The Doll Rods," too. Goddamn. Stupid.) We did it straight to reel to reel in Greg's girlfriend's back house/garage where we practiced and thought it turned out pretty good. We also did Larry Williams' (co-written by S. Bono!) "Teardrop" that ended up on the Best Of the Worst comp (we liked that, too, but never figured out a place to get it on a record before the comp.) Anyway, we thought "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" sent the tapes out to Henry, and headed off to Europe to shlub around. Henry got the songs, thought that no one would want a single that was a total of two minutes long, and added a live take of the song that someone had recorded while we were on that tour. We got back from tour and got the singles and there it is, two versions of the song but not the way we meant it to be. I guess it's all right, but we wanted it to be one thing and it ended up being different without our say-so, and we were kinda bummed. Glad you like it. --Scott S
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Gyogun Rend's - s/t

Gyogun Rend's s/t EP (No. 2 Records, 1998)
The clumsily-named Gyogen Rend's are not strangers to the more Japanophile punk/pop collectors who used to flip through the back of Doll magazine looking for new release information, something I haven't done in a long while. Heck, you can still pick up their Fish Eyed Soul LP on the Screaming Apple label from 2000 if your fingers are up for the typing, but you probably won't find this debut EP during that search. A snazzy little 4-songer in a typically beautiful full color sleeve, this came out on the No. 2 label (probably the band's own label, and also typical for the time, pressed up at a plant in the USA) around 1998 or so. It might have come out the year before, my kanji is nicht so gut. These are the two harder tracks, the others are a tad more trad but don't suffer for it.
There are lots more late 90s Japan-only 45s coming down the pike in 2007, they really hit an exhilarating peak for this kind of stuff back then. It's a shame they are too 'shy' to share nowadays. (note that the buzz that you hear is part of the original recording) -Ryan W.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The List So Far
This is the Static Party list of posts. Got all these and you have the start of a very good collection of 90s punk rock records. Of course, this list is not the last word on 90s punk nor from us. There are some holes in this and we have plenty of obscurities to squirt out. Hell, we haven't even gotten to the band who made this song which this blog is named after.
Thanks for visiting and more so to you who leave comments. Big thanks to those of you who have linked this page to your site. And the biggest thanks to the bands and labels who released this stuff. Some of both parties have gotten a hold of us upon seeing their record up here and the response has been 100% great. Many people express surprise seeing that people remember their band and care about this music. They shouldn't. They made records that will stand the test of time.
With that, it will be a week or so before we post again. We are sorting out audio issues. Once those are hammered out, we will have more Static Party.
---Scott S. & Ryan W.
Nar s/t (Secret Center, 1991)
Nar Holiday Routine (Moo-La-La, 1993)
Nar Belgian Gambit (Generic, 1993)
Nar Four Song EP (Yakamashi, 1997)
Chickenhead Everything Must Go! (4 1/2 Fingers, 1993)
Prehensile Monkeytailed Skink I am a Gorilla (Blackjack, 1994)
Electric Manchakou Animal Man (Helter Skelter, 1990)
Crash Normal Nothing I Can Tell (Royal, 1998)
The Fabulous Organ Donors Nerd Punk (Organ Donors, 1990)
The Pinkz USA (Radio Beat, 2000)
The Geeky Dorks My Pussy Hurts (Slutfish, 1999)
Engine Boo s/t (Wallabies, 1996)
The Tiki Men Sneak a Drink with... (Secret Center, 1994)
Robot Assassins Beneath the Planet of the Apes (Total Sound, 1997)
The Motards s/t (Motards, 1994)
The Leather Uppers Pantsuit Party (Famous, 1992)
Copout s/t (Team Murder USA, 1993)
The Raydios s/t (Target Earth, 1998)
The Cave Dogs The Hellraisers Vol. 1 (Kill Yourself Punkarrecords, 1998)
The Seculars Social Skills (360 Twist, 1998)
The Budget Girls Get in Your Ear (Planet Pimp, 1996)
King Brothers s/t (Bulb, 1998)
The Young Ones Era of Hopeful Monsters (Punk Before Profits, 2000)
Cockscratch s/t (Needle, 1996)
Hali Gali Halid Vo-Zdra (Listen Loudest, 1991)
The Kirks Get Out (Cup O'Knowledge, 1997)
The Persuaders Van Ride (Royal, 1998)
Chinese Millionaires White Collar Criminals (Punkity Rockity, 1995)
Paska Hetrosapiens (Human Wreckords, 1997)
Ulan Bator Trio Stereo Hi-Fi (Discos Alehop!, 1996)
Lil Bunnies s/t (Moo-La-La, 1995)
Captian 9's & the Knickerbocker Trio / Fuckboyz Most Small Fires
(Heatpunch/Truth About Fonzie, 1992)
Various Suburban Underground: Conspiracy Kids (SUCK, 1997)
Spider Babies s/t (Rat City, 1994)
Lili Z. Let's Go (Polly Maggoo, 1998)
Tonight 1978 (Freaked Out Frequencies, 1997)
God is My Co-Pilot How I Got Over (Ajax, 1992)
Retardos Come On Back (Super Teem!, 1995)
Designer Boyz from the Woodz (Black Forest Breed, 1994)
The Night Kings Brainwashed (Dope/Bad Trip, 1993)
The Yips 1000% Fox (Siltbreeze, 1995)
The Knotts s/t (Star Time, 1998)
Coastersride s/t (Savage, 1997)
King Kong Bring It On (Trash Flow, 1990)
Astro Zombies / Sound Bite House Split (Poe/Rotten Roll, 1993)
Blue Cock Roach (Bovine, 1993)
The Millionaires Return to the Island of the Robots (Teen Patriot, 1995)
Headache / TV Killers Teenage Sapiens (Total Heaven, 1995)
The Four Eyes Hat Nerd (Sacramento, 2000)
Rock 'n' Roll Class s/t (Hate, 1998)
Sunshine Super Scum Two Reactions (Siltbreeze, 1996)
Teengenerate Sex Cow (Estrus, 1993)
The Yah Mos Off Your Parents (Recess, 1994)
Splayed Innards s/t (Splayed Innards, 1996)
Couch New Friends 99 (Insignificant, 1995)
Blatz / Tribe 8 Bitches -N- Brew (Lickout, 1992)
Liimanarina Lantinen Pornokatu 25 B 13 (Bad Vugum, 1991)
Mike Rep & the Quotas / Screamin' Mee-Mees Twinkeyz Tribute
(New World of Sound, 1996)
Stilluppstypa flexi (Gallery Krunk, 1992)
Bend Sinister / Kent 3 split (Vague Vinyl, 1999)
Various King Kong #3 (King Kong, 1994)
Sloggy Need for Speed (Hell on Wheels, 2000)
V-3 Monsters of Hollywood (Iron Press, 1991)
Jetpack Throw Down (Mortville, 1998)
Country Teasers Against (Guided Missile, 1996
Charm City Suicides Green Blood (Baths of Power, 2000)
Supercharger Icepick b/w Want It Bad (Pre- B.S. Records, 1992)
The Rondelles s/t (Rondelles, 1996)
The Arch Villains We Hate Your Ugly Face (Sigma Phi, 1996)
Gibson Bros. Who's Black & Who's Not (SFTRI, 1991)
Ape Lost Drag Baby (Bad Vibe, 1994)
Gnu Skalp (Scrape, 1996)
Various Standing with His Back to the Door (Fringe-Weird, 1997)
Jumpin' Beans & the Moustaches / Somebody & the Somethings
Outta Peanut Butter / Long Haired Genius! (no label, 1999)
Spoiled Brats Rich Kid (Real, 1995)
The Styrenes Silver Daggers (Thermionic, 1997)
First Alert T.V. Masturbation (Mangrove, 1997)
The Mants The M.A.N.T. from U.N.C.L.E. + bonus 7" (Lance Rock, 1997)
Los Huevos The Rebel Kind (Moo-La-La, 1996)
Junior Varsity GO! to the Ice Cream Social (Peek-a-Boo, 1996)
The Man Tee Mans s/t (Bag of Hammers, 1994)
Invisible Men s/t (Estrus, 1994)
The Countbackwurds Play Rip It Up (Sumppi Werthimer, 1994)
My Erotic Narcotic s/t (Nouveau Cliche, 1993)
The Leather Uppers / Icky Boyfriends split (Famous, 1993)
The Mulligrubs Lil Miss Arthur b/w Cadillac Blues (Mullitone, 1995)
Cupid Car Club, M.P. Join Our Club... (Kill Rock Stars, 1993)
Clone Defects Scissors Chop (Tom Perkins, 1999)
The Splash Four Different b/w Pink Dress split (Rock A Rolla, 1996)
Rock'n'Roll Stormtroopers I'm a Rebel (Incognito, 1999)
Sexton Ming Beastly Magnet (Little Teddy, 1997)
The Fells I Don't Need You (Bag of Hammers, 1995)
Demolition Doll Rods s/t (Past It/Womb, 1994)
Splotch Two Million Fuckheads (Menlo Park, 1999)
Stiletto Boys 8 Track (Zodiac, 1997)
Firewood s/t (Robber Baron, 1997)