Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Hot Corn Girls - Hot Rod Corn Girl

The Hot Corn Girls Hot Rod Corn Girls EP (Singles Going Everywhere, 1994)
"Then there were the hot corn girls, pre-Civil War New York’s twisted, virgin-whore fantasy. These were teenage girls, always barefoot, wearing trademark, calico shawls, and selling ears of fresh-roasted corn—and sometimes themselves. They sang plucky little verses at the passing men who pitied them, and wanted to protect them—or to buy them..." so writes Kevin Baker. Our Hot Corn Girls were also a New York City product, but one about 150 years advanced. Their plucky little verses are nonsense and what they are selling only they know. Members also did time in The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black, Murphy's Law, and the Chimpanzees. The band was fronted by Bob Limp who might or might not be related to this Bob Limp (worth looking at either way). After this seven, they did an album called Look at My Bum. -SS
Hot Rod Corn Girls
Maggot Fiesta
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Inhalants - Kolchak, the Night Stalker

The Inhalants Kolchak, the Night Stalker 45 (Bag of Hammers, 1994)
So solly for delay, we took a detour into the realm of the actual print zine. See, they were these paper rags that predated this whole "blog" phenom...oh, never mind. I won't let a little thing like a new issue of Z-Gun overshadow the swellness of this Inhalants 45, on (yet again) the Bag of Hammers label. Their Misanthrope debut single on the Unclean label held a lot of promise that was more than fulfilled on this double A-sided monster. For a "garage" band (they have to be "garage", look at that cliched-on-date-of-release sleeve), they sure seem to be channeling a fair bitta Urinals or Vast Majority influence via their treble uber alles schema. Just another great rockin' 45 out of Texas.
The Inhalants got a full length out on Estrus a couple of years after this that, while aok, really doesn't come close to the debut or this, their high water mark. Another saving grace is that this is one of the easiest 45s on the BOH label to dig out, outside of the Refuzers. -Ryan W.
Kolchak, the Night Stalker
Middle Ages