Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Moorat Fingers - Hurt My Brain

Moorat Fingers Hurt My Brain 45 (Into the Vortex, 1998)
Wow, look at the time! Is it really July alreddy? Sorry about the pause, but we are refreshed, and we'll be back on a regular schedule again now. Promises, promises. Here's a good one to jump back into the fray with, Germany's Moorat Fingers.
Now, Europe in general took a back seat to the USA and Japan for most of the 90s when it came to great garage/punk-type records; with isolated exceptions (the records we put up, 'natch) the Euros always came off studied and a tad too precious. Beautifully printed sleeves, vinyl heavier than a Norseman's axe, spare-no-expense production; all for naught. Considering their huge population and documented "healthy" history of totally debased perversity, and the fact that they even invented the hamburger, at least in the apocryphal sense, Germany had without doubt the worst batting average of any EU nation. In spite of all their perceived advantages, their basement-level punk records pretty much stank. Here is one exception, the full-steam ahead Moorat Fingers, who run through the 3 songs on this, their debut platter, with "not a brain cell to spare". The other two tracks are pretty much the same song as the one we've selected for extraction, so let's not dull the blade. And this isn't even their high water mark, that 45 is going to be saved for a future unveiling.
The Moorat Fingers are still around, well, there's someone alive enough to keep their website active, anyway. They were good enough that an American label, Big Neck, even got them inhouse for a 45 some years after this; unfortunately not their best moment. Try this on instead. -Ryan W.
Hurt My Brain
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thanks for letting me that there is actually some good music that isn't over 20 years old... i kinda got lost in a time warp...
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